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I need help! As webmaster of the SupremeGamer site I want to take this to the top.

I need space to take this venture commercial. The highscore section will always remain a free service for as long as I can provide it as such - but I have plans - big plans, I want to provide much much more.

The new service I want to add is a World Wide Tournament. How will this be achieved?

By the exchange of memory carts, files and floppies! Many games, such as Diddy Kong Racing on the Nintendo 64 allow players to save 'ghost data'. - This will provide the basis of the tournament. If you want to know more have a look at Future Services.

To provide this service I need space on a server, currently FortuneCity only allows non-profit use of it's space - but I will need to charge a small fee for the Tournament, this is to cover administration and to fund prizes.

If you can help by providing me some space, free of charge initially, on a server until I can get the idea off of the ground, please drop me a line at [email protected] I am also willing to become an affiliate of a larger games related site if they can provide the resources
